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Greg Graf

Greg Graf is an emerging conductor and a sought after clinician, judge and teacher. He maintains an active list of conducting engagements in the United States, Mexico, Europe, and Asia. Dr. Graf received his education from Bob Jones University and the University of Maryland. During his doctoral studies, he conducted the UMD Men’s Chorus who were selected to perform at the 2016 Intercollegiate Men's Choruses National Seminar at the University of Illinois. Dr. Graf also prepared the UMD Men’s and Women’s Choruses to perform Do You Hear the People Sing, a tribute to the music of Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alan Boubil in collaboration with the National Symphony Pops Orchestra at the Kennedy Performing Arts Center under the direction of Maestro Stephen Reineke. Dr. Graf has performed with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra with world-renowned conductors such as Helmuth Rilling, Marin Alsop, Matthew Halls, Masaaki Suzuki, Markus Stenz, and Nathalie Stutzmann.

Dr. Graf currently serves as Director of Choral Activities at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, TX where he conducts the Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, and Del Mar Master Chorus. His ensembles regularly collaborate with the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra. Since his arrival the choral program has more than doubled in size.

From 2006 to 2013 Graf taught at Mineral Area College in Park Hills, MO where he oversaw a choral program that quintupled in size. In 2013, he was awarded the Outstanding East-Central District Director Award with the Missouri Choral Directors Association.

In other musical pursuits, Dr. Graf maintains an active schedule as Music Director at Harbor Playhouse. He also accompanies for many choirs including the 2020 Texas Two-Year College Choral Directors Association (TTCCDA) All-State Choir. His work in vocal jazz also includes two performances by his vocal jazz ensemble at the Elmhurst Jazz Festival in Chicago, IL.

Dr. Graf is also an active member in TMEA, ACDA, NCCO and TTCCDA. In 2021 he will serve as All-State Choir Coordinator and President-Elect the following year for TTCCDA, in addition to serving as Region V Representative and Webmaster.

He, his wife, and three beautiful daughters live in Corpus Christi, TX.

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